Root Planing

Dental Hygienist & Dentistry located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

Root Planing

Advanced gum disease requires advanced treatment. If you have this condition, Sandra Senzon R.D.H, of the Upper East Side of New York City, New York, a real life tooth fairy, offers scaling and root planing among many other services to improve your oral health. When you’re ready to book, call the office during normal business hours, or schedule online in just a few moments.

Root Planing Q & A

What is scaling and root planing?

Scaling and root planing is a treatment for gum disease, and a way to give your gums a fresh start. Many people refer to this treatment as a deep cleaning.


This portion of the process involves using a handheld dental tool to manually scrape plaque and tartar from the surfaces of your teeth. The process requires a trained eye and a skilled hand, both areas where Sandra Senzon excels. 

Root planing

Root planing is a technique that smooths the surfaces of your tooth roots. This smoothing makes it more difficult for plaque and tartar to adhere to the parts of your tooth that lie beneath the gumline. 

If you show signs of gum disease, scaling and root planing can give your body a chance to heal without more invasive interventions like oral surgery.  

Is scaling and root planing painful?

Scaling and root planing can be uncomfortable, but there is no significant pain. The process involves using dental tools to reach beneath your gums, and if you’re already experiencing inflammation and sensitivity, you might feel sore during and after. 

Sandra has extensive experience with scaling and root planing. She understands how to effectively clean your teeth without creating a painful experience. Of course, if you become uncomfortable, you can always ask for a break. 

What is the recovery process like after scaling and root planing?

Gum tissue heals faster than most other tissue in the body. You can expect some swelling and discomfort for a day or two after your visit. There is no significant pain, and discomfort can be improved with over-the-counter pain medications. 

Take it easy when brushing for a few days as your gums adapt. Vigorous brushing and flossing can prompt your newly treated gums to bleed and can lengthen the recovery process. The same goes for your food choices; try to choose foods that are soft and not overly spicy. 

As your gums heal, you’ll see the improvement that scaling and root planing can make. Expect to see less redness and inflammation and to experience less bleeding and discomfort when you resume your normal oral hygiene routine. 

If you have additional questions or concerns about scaling and root planing, call the office to book a schedule, or spend some time online to find a time that fits your schedule.